Smart Workplace

Spaceworx has curated the best-in-class software, hardware and services from around the world to create bundle solutions that enable a Smart Workplace.

Our Smart Workplace solutions provide a single-pane-of-glass view of your spaces to support hybrid working and enhance space utilisation.

By relying on data sources including existing sensors, software or building management systems, or by installing additional smart technologies and analytical tools, gain insights into your spaces, your employees, and their behaviour in order to improve comfort, efficiency, productivity and flexibility.

Components of a Smart Workplace Solution

Bring Smart Workplace features to your workplace to improve employee collaboration and experience in a hybrid work environment!

Measure the quality of air in your indoor spaces – individually, in an entire building or even a portfolio of buildings – and adjust it to provide a healthy and safer environment.

  • Monitor temperature, CO2 and humidity, which provides information on safety and comfort of the space 
  • Employees can select spaces to work based on their comfort preferences 
  • Workplace Managers can identify spaces with unhealthy air quality and take remedial action

Secure your workplace by integrating visitor management with access control and save time by eliminating inaccuracies because systems are not synchronised.

  • Ease administrative burden by maintaining visitor information – including authorisations – on a centralised platform  
  • Improve visitor experience by granting visitors access directly from a visitor management system  
  • Easily of manage and secure multiple buildings and sites

Improve workplace seat and desk utilisation for the hybrid workplace model, and make it easy for employees to reserve office desks and meeting spaces in advance.

  • Reduce real estate footprint and costs by using desk booking versus usage analytics to make decisions to optimise your office space 
  • Gain insight into who and how many employees will be in office on which days 
  • Obtain a real time overview of who is in the office, by using a desk check-in procedure on employee desks 

Connect the workplace apps and tools you and your team use daily, to make common workflows simpler and easier.

  • Control multiple processes with a single click, by utilising data from multiple sources at your fingertips 
  • Make faster decisions and more efficient use of resources, and manage information more effectively by bringing all your workplace apps to a single interface 
  • Reduce cost of servicing, maintenance, and daily usage of your tools

Guide visitors and new employees through your office building. Help them easily get directions to meeting rooms and other spaces within your facilities.

  • Eliminate visitors’ stress and reduce time spent navigating their way
  • Improve space optimisation by helping your workplace/ operations team understand how people are interacting with your space 
  • Optimise meeting room booking and energy usage by integrating your indoor wayfinding app with your meeting room booking system and calendar

Implement a data-driven cleaning operation to maintain a clean workplace with high standards of hygiene.

  • Move from scheduled to on-demand cleaning operations based on need, utilising your staff more efficiently 
  • Make staff planning more efficient through historical data gathered that can be used to predict trends
  • Allow cleaning staff to plan ahead with data gathered on external weather forecasts that can be integrated with your smart cleaning operation 

Ensure optimal energy usage and allow occupants to take control of their immediate surroundings by setting individual lighting preferences.

  • Create a comfortable environment for employees to work in
  • Adjust lighting based on occupancy, time of day, weather conditions, seasonal changes, and even for specific tasks 
  • Reduce energy costs by switching to LED and intelligent lighting controls
  • Improve employee health and well-being by using the benefits of natural light

 Use historical and real-time occupancy data to manage your portfolio, building, or an individual space. Understand how your spaces are being utilised and easily adapt to a hybrid workplace.

  • Understand how your workspaces are utilised in real-time to automate lighting, cooling and heating
  • Reduce the time employees spend searching for desks or meeting rooms by integrating booking systems with your real-time occupancy data
  • Improve space utilisation by analysing how your employees occupy different spaces in your building, leading to elimination of unused real estate

Gain real-time insights into your meeting room spaces to improve efficiency of your spaces, optimise utilisation of your available meeting rooms, and for real estate planning.

  • Get a clear visual of which meeting rooms are occupied and to what extent, by reviewing occupancy and usage rates
  • Understand whether you have too many or too few meeting rooms on a particular floor by analysing your occupancy rates
  • Understand how your workforce utilises your meeting room spaces

Monitor the utilisation of your workspace to eliminate waste of space, improve employee experience and productivity and adapt to an agile hybrid workplace model.

  • Identify under-utilised spaces to reduce real estate costs
  • Identify what types of spaces you need more of and how you may need to reconfigure your spaces to meet your goals
  • Easily adapt to changing demands for space with real-time monitoring
  • Reduce occupancy costs and avoid renting additional spaces by reconfiguring and optimising your existing spaces

Gain insights of utilities consumption within your portfolio, building or an individual space. Extract data from meters, sensors or energy management systems to make informed decisions about improving energy efficiency and reducing utility costs.

  • Improve costs savings and achieve sustainability goals by analysing and optimising your utility usage, and identifying wastage
  • Reduce energy costs by optimally using any onsite renewable energy resources
  • Identify improvements for energy efficiency by controlling utility demands

Measure the quality of air in your indoor spaces – individually, in an entire building or even a portfolio of buildings – and adjust it to provide a healthy and safer environment.

  • Monitor temperature, CO2 and humidity, which provides information on safety and comfort of the space 
  • Employees can select spaces to work based on their comfort preferences 
  • Workplace Managers can identify spaces with unhealthy air quality and take remedial action

Secure your workplace by integrating visitor management with access control and save time by eliminating inaccuracies because systems are not synchronised.

  • Ease administrative burden by maintaining visitor information – including authorisations – on a centralised platform  
  • Improve visitor experience by granting visitors access directly from a visitor management system  
  • Easily of manage and secure multiple buildings and sites

Improve workplace seat and desk utilisation for the hybrid workplace model, and make it easy for employees to reserve office desks and meeting spaces in advance.

  • Reduce real estate footprint and costs by using desk booking versus usage analytics to make decisions to optimise your office space 
  • Gain insight into who and how many employees will be in office on which days 
  • Obtain a real time overview of who is in the office, by using a desk check-in procedure on employee desks 

Connect the workplace apps and tools you and your team use daily, to make common workflows simpler and easier.

  • Control multiple processes with a single click, by utilising data from multiple sources at your fingertips 
  • Make faster decisions and more efficient use of resources, and manage information more effectively by bringing all your workplace apps to a single interface 
  • Reduce cost of servicing, maintenance, and daily usage of your tools

Guide visitors and new employees through your office building. Help them easily get directions to meeting rooms and other spaces within your facilities.

  • Eliminate visitors’ stress and reduce time spent navigating their way
  • Improve space optimisation by helping your workplace/ operations team understand how people are interacting with your space 
  • Optimise meeting room booking and energy usage by integrating your indoor wayfinding app with your meeting room booking system and calendar

Implement a data-driven cleaning operation to maintain a clean workplace with high standards of hygiene.

  • Move from scheduled to on-demand cleaning operations based on need, utilising your staff more efficiently 
  • Make staff planning more efficient through historical data gathered that can be used to predict trends
  • Allow cleaning staff to plan ahead with data gathered on external weather forecasts that can be integrated with your smart cleaning operation 

Ensure optimal energy usage and allow occupants to take control of their immediate surroundings by setting individual lighting preferences.

  • Create a comfortable environment for employees to work in
  • Adjust lighting based on occupancy, time of day, weather conditions, seasonal changes, and even for specific tasks 
  • Reduce energy costs by switching to LED and intelligent lighting controls
  • Improve employee health and well-being by using the benefits of natural light

 Use historical and real-time occupancy data to manage your portfolio, building, or an individual space. Understand how your spaces are being utilised and easily adapt to a hybrid workplace.

  • Understand how your workspaces are utilised in real-time to automate lighting, cooling and heating
  • Reduce the time employees spend searching for desks or meeting rooms by integrating booking systems with your real-time occupancy data
  • Improve space utilisation by analysing how your employees occupy different spaces in your building, leading to elimination of unused real estate

Gain real-time insights into your meeting room spaces to improve efficiency of your spaces, optimise utilisation of your available meeting rooms, and for real estate planning.

  • Get a clear visual of which meeting rooms are occupied and to what extent, by reviewing occupancy and usage rates
  • Understand whether you have too many or too few meeting rooms on a particular floor by analysing your occupancy rates
  • Understand how your workforce utilises your meeting room spaces

Monitor the utilisation of your workspace to eliminate waste of space, improve employee experience and productivity and adapt to an agile hybrid workplace model.

  • Identify under-utilised spaces to reduce real estate costs
  • Identify what types of spaces you need more of and how you may need to reconfigure your spaces to meet your goals
  • Easily adapt to changing demands for space with real-time monitoring
  • Reduce occupancy costs and avoid renting additional spaces by reconfiguring and optimising your existing spaces

Gain insights of utilities consumption within your portfolio, building or an individual space. Extract data from meters, sensors or energy management systems to make informed decisions about improving energy efficiency and reducing utility costs.

  • Improve costs savings and achieve sustainability goals by analysing and optimising your utility usage, and identifying wastage
  • Reduce energy costs by optimally using any onsite renewable energy resources
  • Identify improvements for energy efficiency by controlling utility demands

Begin your Journey to a More Efficient and Flexible Workplace

Explore our Smart Workplace Bundles to Suit your Needs and Budget

From the most basic bundles to improve employee comfort and experience, to the most comprehensive bundles to achieve a truly smart workplace – we offer the complete range of flexible solutions. Get started today!


Internal Air Quality Sensors help you measure the air quality of your individual workplace, an entire building or portfolio of buildings, in order to maintain safe, healthy and comfortable spaces for your employees and visitors. Using data derived from our fully customisable analytics dashboard, you can make informed decisions to ensure optimal air quality in lobbies, meeting rooms, co-working spaces, pantries and restrooms without the hassle of monitoring several disparate systems. 


This simple Visitor Management Solution with Badge Printing helps you streamline your visitor check-in process by digitally registering, screening and tracking visitors. Gain accurate visibility and enhance security by having up-to-date, real-time details of the visitors in your workplace or building at any given moment, to minimise risks and take action during emergency lockdowns or evacuations. Having visitor details in a central database also supports the tracking of the number of people within a space at any given time, trace who they were visiting and the duration of their visit.


Occupancy Counting and Analytics help you optimise your spaces and save energy, reduce costs and improve employee productivity. It allows you to make more informed decisions by giving you real-time data via dashboards on the number of employees using each room and desk at any given time.


Footfall Counting Sensors and Analytics give you data-driven insights into the foot traffic trends of people entering an area or your building at a given time. Reduce costs and improve visitor experience by monitoring individual areas or your entire building to view real-time movement, dwell times and space utilisation, and identify current occupancy and optimise your operations.


Meeting Room Sensors and Analytics help you optimise your workplace and improve staff collaboration by providing detailed visual analytical data on important metrics related to your meetings, such as how your meeting rooms are utilised, to what extent, and the frequency of meetings held. Make informed decisions on whether your business has enough space, if meeting rooms are being used to their fullest potential, if they are over capacity, or how to use limited rooms more efficiently while reducing overall costs of conducting meetings.


The Workplace Analytics Master Bundle gives you the combined benefits and features of Occupancy Counting Analytics, Footfall Counting Analytics, Internal Air Quality Analytics, and Meeting Room Utalisation Analytics to optimise your workplace, while improving employee productivity and collaboration, enhancing the employee and visitor experience, and reducing operational costs


The Premium grade Visitor Management Solution with Badge Printing and Access Control helps you digitise and streamline manual processes, gain better visibility into visitor activity and create a workplace that meets safety and compliance requirements. Enhance visitor experience and impression of your organisation, while managing multiple sites and customising visitor requirements for specific locations. 


Internal Air Quality Sensors help you measure the air quality of your individual workplace, an entire building or portfolio of buildings, in order to maintain safe, healthy and comfortable spaces for your employees and visitors. Using data derived from our fully customisable analytics dashboard, you can make informed decisions to ensure optimal air quality in lobbies, meeting rooms, co-working spaces, pantries and restrooms without the hassle of monitoring several disparate systems. 


This simple Visitor Management Solution with Badge Printing helps you streamline your visitor check-in process by digitally registering, screening and tracking visitors. Gain accurate visibility and enhance security by having up-to-date, real-time details of the visitors in your workplace or building at any given moment, to minimise risks and take action during emergency lockdowns or evacuations. Having visitor details in a central database also supports the tracking of the number of people within a space at any given time, trace who they were visiting and the duration of their visit.


Occupancy Counting and Analytics help you optimise your spaces and save energy, reduce costs and improve employee productivity. It allows you to make more informed decisions by giving you real-time data via dashboards on the number of employees using each room and desk at any given time.


Footfall Counting Sensors and Analytics give you data-driven insights into the foot traffic trends of people entering an area or your building at a given time. Reduce costs and improve visitor experience by monitoring individual areas or your entire building to view real-time movement, dwell times and space utilisation, and identify current occupancy and optimise your operations.


Meeting Room Sensors and Analytics help you optimise your workplace and improve staff collaboration by providing detailed visual analytical data on important metrics related to your meetings, such as how your meeting rooms are utilised, to what extent, and the frequency of meetings held. Make informed decisions on whether your business has enough space, if meeting rooms are being used to their fullest potential, if they are over capacity, or how to use limited rooms more efficiently while reducing overall costs of conducting meetings.


The Workplace Analytics Master Bundle gives you the combined benefits and features of Occupancy Counting Analytics, Footfall Counting Analytics, Internal Air Quality Analytics, and Meeting Room Utalisation Analytics to optimise your workplace, while improving employee productivity and collaboration, enhancing the employee and visitor experience, and reducing operational costs


The Premium grade Visitor Management Solution with Badge Printing and Access Control helps you digitise and streamline manual processes, gain better visibility into visitor activity and create a workplace that meets safety and compliance requirements. Enhance visitor experience and impression of your organisation, while managing multiple sites and customising visitor requirements for specific locations. 

Our Partners

Smarter Workplace

Design a smarter and more collaborative workplace using our pre-composed smart workplace bundles.

Interconnected Workplace

Link your spaces – from desks to meeting rooms – to a simple dashboard for workplace automation.

Composable Solutions

We can plug your workspace’s hardware, software and dashboards into each other like Lego blocks. If you can’t find the solution you need, we can help you build it.


The Spaceworx Marketplace is a one-stop-shop for Workplace Managers to source smart workplace bundle solutions to suit your needs and budgets.


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